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The MBA of Mississippi is a trade association composed of mortgage lenders, brokers, and affiliated industry associates. We were founded in 1958 with the purpose to promote the mortgage banking industry in Mississippi.

Our strength is in numbers! To ensure a viable and strong mortgage industry in our state we need members who are committed to promoting and protecting a strong, professional mortgage industry in Mississippi. If you are a mortgage professional or if you provide products or services to the mortgage finance industry, we welcome you to join us.

While visiting our site, you will learn of the many opportunities offered by the MBA of Mississippi. We encourage you to explore the many advantages membership offers. We also invite you to join us as we work to promote our industry and home ownership in our great state.

Join MBA of MS today!

Interested in seeing what being a

MBA of MS Member means?

Click here for membership details and benefits.

Magnolia Partner MS Home Corp
Blues Partner Acranet
Bishop MS River.png
Essent MS River.png

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